Reach More Patients
Apiject designs simple prefilled injection devices that help more medicines & vaccines reach more patients around the world.
Designed to Grow Access in All Markets
The Prefilled Apiject Injector is made on a compact & resilient supply chain designed to reach hospitals and clinics in any market. And its simple prefilled design makes it easier for trained healthcare workers and other approved professionals to deliver the injection.
A Prefilled Device with Glass Vial Economics
The Prefilled ApiJect Injector is designed to bring the scalability and economics of BFS to prefilled injectables. This drug delivery innovation can open up pharma margins in developed markets, and grow market share in global markets.
Combining Two Pharma-Trusted Technologies
The Prefilled Apiject Injector is made on a compact & resilient supply chain designed to reach hospitals and cliniBlow-Fill-Seal (BFS) fills and finishes billions of doses of pharmaceutical liquids annually because of its ability to scale quickly and economically. ApiJect reliably combines BFS with a pen needle-style hub to transform a BFS container into a prefilled injection device.
Apiject Platform has Lower Carbon Emissions than Current Glass Technologies
A recent peer-reviewed study compared the life cycle environmental impact of the Prefilled Apiject Injector as compared to standard injectable drug delivery platforms. The results showed that the Prefilled Apiject Injector has significant
Typical glass vials and syringes use 100x more water than the Prefilled ApiJect Injector
Our simple supply chain translates into a lifecycle with a 60% lower carbon footprint per dose than single-dose glass vials and syringes.